Yeah, its a really tough choice. I can only really speak with authority as an entrenched FF14 player, however: For the moment I think both straddle the line trying to try new things, but have a predictable level of content that their fans expect. My issue is that now that's become so predictable, its a bit dull -- kinda like Marvel right? We heard you like this TV show, here's 10 more over three years. They won't know there's a problem until player engagement starts to go down!
And yeah, I'm stoked for Conscript. I think it's put a real fire in Australia's solo dev community to build more games. I really hope it encourages more global games reporters to give it a go and help get the game more recognition and exposure.
I admit that playing a game long-term doesn’t appeal to me. So, I do wonder if games are meant to run for long periods, and if they do, if they should embrace that they’ve become a comfort food for their players? If players want more radical change, is it up to the game to change or the players to find a new game?
Interesting that both games have the same issue as long-running bands. Do you keep playing the greatest hits or try new material?
On an aside, good to see Conscription win awards. I hear it could be selling better.
Yeah, its a really tough choice. I can only really speak with authority as an entrenched FF14 player, however: For the moment I think both straddle the line trying to try new things, but have a predictable level of content that their fans expect. My issue is that now that's become so predictable, its a bit dull -- kinda like Marvel right? We heard you like this TV show, here's 10 more over three years. They won't know there's a problem until player engagement starts to go down!
And yeah, I'm stoked for Conscript. I think it's put a real fire in Australia's solo dev community to build more games. I really hope it encourages more global games reporters to give it a go and help get the game more recognition and exposure.
I admit that playing a game long-term doesn’t appeal to me. So, I do wonder if games are meant to run for long periods, and if they do, if they should embrace that they’ve become a comfort food for their players? If players want more radical change, is it up to the game to change or the players to find a new game?